Grief Refuge

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The Need to Voice Uncomfortable Things About Grief

On the Grief Refuge Podcast today, I would like to share a guest interview with you. My guest is Barb Higgins and she has a helpful perspective on giving grief a voice. She shares her journey publicly on her “A Thousand Tiny Steps” podcast and Youtube channel. 

One of the things that really stood out for me as a listener and interviewer to Barb was her visual analogies for some of the harder experiences in grief. It made a lot more sense to have a metaphorical image, if you will, when talking about the complex emotions involved in handling death related loss. 

Barb’s insights can help validate you for being your true self as you grieve and heal. You no longer have to tell yourself you’re supposed to think or feel a certain way, or that somehow you’re responsible for the comfort of others in your own grief.

Please enjoy the conversation with Barb Higgins. Find and listen to the full episode on the Grief Refuge Podcast page.